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A-10: Objects

New Vocab

Must memorize all the Pinyin and Characters listed here!

 写      纸      书包      教室      笔记本      铅笔      橡皮      桌子     椅子     白板

  xiě        zhǐ          shūbāo         jiàoshì           bǐ jì běn          qiānbǐ        xiàngpí        zhuōzi          yǐzi           báibǎn  

write           paper              backpack              Classroom               notebook                    pencil                 eraser                  desk                 chair                whiteboard


qǐng ná chū nǐ de qiānbǐ hé zhǐ


纸巾  zhǐ jīn  tissue

湿纸巾 shī zhǐ jīn    wet/baby wipe

Tissue Box

Grammar Highlight

Sentence Frames

Measuring Words

Measuring Words don't exist in English. In Chinese, it is used between a number and a noun.

Number + MW + Noun

” is the most commonly used measuring word. 

1. Three backpacks(三书包 – sān gè shū bāo)

2. That whiteboard (那白板 – nà gè bái bǎn)

3. Ten students (十学生 – shí gè xué shēng)

4. One person  一

5. twenty classmates   二十同学

In this lesson, we are going to learn more measuring words:

1. "张zhāng" is a MW that indicates sheet/piece, usually used for photo, paper, drawings, etc.

a piece of paper  一纸 (yì zhāng zhǐ)

two tables          两张桌子

three tickets      三张票

six photos          六张照片

one card             一张卡片

2. "本běn" is a MW used for books/magazines/brochure.

four book    四书(sì běn shū)  

five magazines 五本杂志(wǔ běn zá zhì


1. Ask and Answer "what is this/that?这/那是什么?"


What is this?



What is that?


2. Ask and Answer"谁的Whose"

“这是谁的教室?”              这是中文老师的教室。

Whose classroom is this?         This is Chinese teacher's classroom.






3. Ask and Answer "what is in ....?" with "有"

yǒu有: have/has, there is/are (Something is somewhere)

我家有四个人。 There are four people in my family.


What's in the backpack?




What's in the classroom?


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