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C-10: 吃饭,做饭

 服务员        欢迎光临      菜单   几位   米饭     找钱       一共 
 fúwùyuán       huānyíngguānglín     cài dān      jǐwèi       mǐ fàn      zhǎoqián       yígòng       

waiter/waitress                       WELCOME                        menu            How many?         rice          (give/find) change           total   

 酸甜咸辣       柴 米 油 盐 酱 醋 茶       葱  姜  蒜       切菜刀 
 suān tián xián là      chái mǐ yóu yán jiàng cù chá         cōng jiāng suàn         qiē cài dāo

  sour  sweet  salty  spicy       firewood rice   oil     salt   sauce  vinegar tea       Spring onion  Ginger  Garlic             cutting veg Knife


A Channel 5 documentary show called Britain's Favorite Takeaway has ranked 20 of the most beloved dishes in the country, and Chinese food was crowned top by nabbing nearly a quarter of the overall vote.



Compare the most popular Chinese dishes in America and in China. Learn the names of the dishes.

We will learn a lot of vocabulary in this lesson. 

You will need to be able to recognize认 and pronounce读 the 汉字. 

​You will not be tested on writing写字。


你家谁做饭?In your family who cooks?

你会做饭吗?​Can you cook?

你做的饭好吃吗?Is the food you make tasty?

你做的最好的菜是什么?What is the best dish you make?

Cooking Channels:



Choose one video from each of the three channels to watch. 



suān là tǔ dòu sī



步骤 (Steps)

1. 切 土豆,泡水;

2. 切 辣椒 和 葱;

3. 热锅 加油,放辣椒和葱,炒香;

4. 放 切好的土豆丝;

5. 放 一点盐和 醋,继续炒;

6. 好了!


Culture Difference in Chinese Dinning

面 vs 米

Both Noodles 面 and Rice 米,are very popular all across the country. However, the North is famous for growing wheat and making delicious noodles; the South is perfect for growing rice and enjoy cooking rice dishes.
Usually, if you want something quick and simple, order noodles.
Rice bowl are usually accompanied by a couple of stir fried dishes. 

During big festivals when family and friends gather together, people cook many dishes to share.  

sharing food

Dishes are usually put in the table center so everyone will be able to reach it. In some restaurants, tables have a lazy susan center to accommodate large dinning groups.   

Chinese dinning values variety and food sharing is common. When dinning with other people on the same table, do not pick up something from a dish and put it back. It is bad manner to pick food with your chopsticks (unless it's the food on your own plate). For food that is hard to pick up with chopsticks, feel free to stab it instead. It is better than dropping your food before it reaches your plate.

Because the food is usually shared on formal occasions, it is important to wait until everyone has arrived before starting, so the ones that arrive late won't be eating "leftovers". Usually the older gets the best seats. Do not start eating before the older starts. 



Don't be offended if you have to yell out "服务员" to get your server's attention. You don't have to tip anyone and there's no added tax. The tax is included in the price on the menu. If you are a bit intimidated by the idea of speaking out loud, just wave towards your server when he/she is looking at your direction.


It's absolutely normal for one person on a table to submit the order for everyone to the server. Since most food is shared anyways, there is no need for the server to remember each one's order. 

The server will almost never come to check with you about your food. Chinese like to be left alone when they are eating. 





Hi, how many?




Excuse me, can I order?


What would you like to order?


I would like ice water, a (bowl of) rice, and a (order of) dumplings.


Do you want rice or not?



How much is it in total?



Here's ¥100.



Here's your ¥20 change.


This dish is too sweet.



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