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Chinese History and People

Research 1:

Research 2: Ask and Answer: Do you know any Chinese historical figures?

Choose from the following list(可通过抽签选择). 


Confucius 孔子

Sun Tzu 孙子/孙武

Qin ShiHuang 秦始皇

Hua Mulan 花木兰

Zhu GeLiang 诸葛亮

Wu ZeTian 武则天

Li Bai 李白

Sun Yat Sen 孙中山

Mao Ze Dong 毛泽东

Xi JinPing 习近平

Make a PowerPoint report on your Chinese Historical Figure.

Please include

  • 1~2 pictures of the person;

  • Time this person is from;

  • 5 or more things about this person;

  • An interesting story of this person;

  • Your comments and opinions on this person. 

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