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C-6: House and Rooms

Learn terms for rooms in a house (different parts of a house).

How to describe the location of all the rooms in a house.

Use “在” and "有" to express locations.

Compare and Contrast: East and West architecture differences

新单词xīn dān cí

Must memorize all the Pinyin and Characters listed here!

房子  卫生间    卧室     书房   洗衣房   车库      美丽     中间         两边    
fángzi   wèishēngjiān   wòshì       shūfáng    xǐyīfáng       chēkù           měilì       zhōngjiān       liǎngbiān

 house               bathroom              bedroom         study (room)      laundry room          car garage             beautiful         middle/between         both sides

Extended Terms

厨房  chúfáng    Kitchen

客厅   kè tīng     Living room

餐厅  cāntīng     Dinning Room

橱柜  chúguì      Kitchen cabinet   (什么是衣柜?)

漂亮  piàoliàng  Beautiful


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 句子 jù zi

Ask about Location

1. Where is ...?  (在哪里)

Where is the kitchen?       厨房在哪里?

Where is the bathroom?       卫生间在哪里?

Where is your house?       你的房子在哪里?

2.  Whose.....?   (谁的)

Whose room is this?       这是谁的房间?

Whose house is that?       那是谁的房子?

Describe Something in a Space



1. Something is somewhere. (在)

2. "There is" = Place has something.  (有)

       My car is in front of the house.           我的车房子的前面。

Garage is to the left of the kitchen.            车库厨房的左边。

There're two bathrooms and three bedrooms in this house.                 


This house has three bathrooms and two bedrooms.

There is  no garage in this house.                     这个房子没有车库。

This house has no car garage.                  

There is  a small cat on the table.                     桌子上一只小猫。

Table top has a small cat.                  

If you are able to identify the difference between the two sentences below, 

you have truly grasped this structure. 

The bathroom is between the two bedrooms.                    


There is  a bathroom  between the two bedrooms.                     


(The space) Between the two bedroom has a bathroom.

Ready for School
parts of house


home sweet home


厨房,It's where I chew my breakfast

    chú fáng

浴室,numbers 1/2 smelly business



客厅,watch Kung Fu on TV



卧室,lay down, feeling ever so sleepy


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