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C-5: Room/Furniture

Learn terms for furniture and objects inside a room.

How to describe a room and its furniture arrangement.

Use ...是谁的...  to find out to whom something belongs.

Use "有" to express "there is/are" and describe objects in a space

Living in the urban vs rural areas in China

新单词xīn dān cí

Must memorize all the Pinyin and Characters listed here!

房间       床        看       玩      沙发      书架      衣柜       棒球帽          手机
fángjiān     chuáng       kàn         wán        shāfā           shūjià           yīguì          bàngqiúmào             shǒujī

room                   bed          see, watch,read       play                sofa                 bookshelf             wardrobe                 baseball cap                      cellphone

Extended Terms

窗户  chuāng hù     window​

帽子 mào zi              Hat

沙子  shā zi               Sand

傻子  shǎ zi               Dummy

🚪 门





杂志  zá zhì                Magazine

太棒了!                   So great!

Ready for School

Sentences  句子 jù zi

Describe Something in a Space



1. Something is somewhere. (在)

       My mom is on the sofa.           妈妈在沙发上。

The dog is under the bed.            狗在床下。

Your books are on the bookshelf. 你的书在书架上。

2. "There is" = Place has something.  (有)

There's a cat and a cell phone on the table.                     桌子上一只猫和一个手机。

There're  two baseball  in the wardrobe.                     衣柜里两个棒球帽。



Ask about Location

1. Where is ...?  (在哪里)

Where is my mom?       我妈在哪里?

Where is my Chinese book?       我的英文书在哪里?

Where is your baseball hat and backpack?       你的棒球帽和书包在哪里?magazine

2.  Whose.....?   (谁的)

Whose room is this?       这是谁的房间?

Whose magazine is that?       那是谁的杂志?


Someone has something.

Someplace has something. 

are expressed 

in the same grammar structure.

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