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A-2: Numbers & Measuring Words

1~10 numbers in Chinese. 

Use numbers to express age.

Use numbers to describe date.

Use numbers to express price.

New Vocab

Must memorize all the Pinyin and Characters listed here!

Chinese 1-10 reading - YD
A2 Measuring words.PNG

Students answer the following questions in Chinese.

1. How many students are there in the classroom?

2. How many siblings do you have?

3. How many pets do you have?

4. How many water bottles do you have?

5. Between 0~99, which number is your favorite?

6. What is your house number?

7. What is the last four digit of your phone number?

8. What is your four digit student ID?


9. What time do you go to sleep?

10. What is today's date?

11. What is your birthday?

12. What is your zip code?


       加 jiā plus      等于 děng yú equals to      几 jǐ How many

13. 五十八十九等于几?

14. 二十三四十七等于几?

Measuring Words

Measuring Words don't exist in English. In Chinese, it is used between a number and a noun.

” is the most commonly used measuring word. When you’re a total Chinese newbie, this measure word will save your life. It can basically be used for everything, and Chinese people will forgive you for only knowing one all-encompassing measure word. It should be used for people and/or non-specific items, but you can basically use it all the time.

1. Three foreigners (三个老外 – sān gè lǎo wài)

2. That beautiful girl (那个美女 – nà gè měi nǚ)

3. Ten students (十个学生 – shí gè xué shēng)

4. One teacher    一老师

5. twenty classmates   二十同学

The measuring word for money is "(kuài)" 

For example, to say "4 Chinese dollars" is "四块".

The Difference between 二 and 两

There are two ways to say "two" in Mandarin Chinese

二 (èr) and 两(liǎng). 

The digit 2 is 二 (èr). This is used generally when counting. For example, when counting to ten, or reading phone number.

When specifying quantities, however, 两 (liǎng) is used. This is when you want to say "two of" something. For example, two teachers is "两个老师"。

Date (nián年 yuè月 rì日)

2019年6月10日  (June 10th, 2019)

1956年7月18日   (July 18th, 1956)

Measuring Word (个)

一个同学(one classmate)

​两个生日 (two birthdays)

三个老师 (three teachers)

Money (kuài)

三十四块 (¥34)

Chinese Currency is called RMB (RenMinBi),  instead of a “$” sign, use "¥" in front of Chinese money.

Age (suì)

一岁one year old

两岁 two years old

五岁five years old

二十岁  twenty years old

Day (tiān)

一天(one day)

两天 (two days)

十天 (ten days)

三十天 (thirty days)

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