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B-6: Transportation

How to identify different forms of transportation.

Express the way of transport and the destination in a sentence.

怎么 + verb "how to do something" structure

New Vocab

Must memorize all the Pinyin and Characters listed here!

校车 xiàochē   school bus                            地铁   dì tiě    subway

vocab b17-21.PNG

Extended Term

汽车  qì chē   car

自行车   zì xíng chē  bicycle

Activity: STPVO 

Subject + way of transportation + 去 destination.

Come up with subjects, ways of transportation, and destinations;

Write down on cards;

Make sentences by taking a card from each group.


1. We take the bus to go to school.


2. His older brother takes a taxi to go to his friend’s home.


3. Is the train fast or not?


4. What (kind of) car did you take?


5. What (kind of) color do you like?


6. My classmate takes airplane to go to China.


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