Chinese mythology (中国神话Zhōngguó shénhuà) has been passed down in oral form or recorded in literature through generations. Much of the mythology involves exciting stories full of fantastic people and beings, the use of magical powers, often taking place in an exotic mythological place or time.
Many myths involve the creation and cosmology of the universe and its deities and inhabitants. Some mythology involves creation myths, the origin of things, people and culture. Some involve the origin of the Chinese state. Some myths present a chronology of prehistoric times, many of these involve a culture hero who taught people how to build houses, or cook, or write, or was the ancestor of an ethnic group or dynastic family. Mythology is intimately related to ritual. Many myths are oral associations with ritual acts, such as dances, ceremonies, and sacrifices.
Pan Gu 盘古开天辟地
Nv Wa女娲造人
Shen Nong 神农尝百草
Four Female Warrior Heroes 四大巾帼英雄
Hua Mulan
Mu GuiYing
Fan Lihua
Liang Hongyu
Four Beauties 四大美女
Four Love Stories四大爱情传说
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Mrs. Diamond